Monday, July 18, 2005

The preperation

I'm starting this blog prior to my departure in the hope that I'll record my adventures faithfully, but more importantly so I can procrastinate the washing of clothes that must commence soon. Then again it might just be easier to buy new clothes.

Got my home-stay confirmation today, and it looks like the girls and I will be in the same relative area. My house has a mother and two sons that are 31 and 26. They like working out and biking, so hopefully this means I will be getting a little of both in. Anyway, I'm just tempted to see if this will work, so I will sign off now and head to the beach for a run. This will mean my washing will start a little later...


At 1:44 PM, Blogger Kid said...

I don't remember you being sick either. That's not saying a lot cause you do tend to drink alot and I've been consumed with an interesting personal assement based on an article I recently read (see link). Outide of regular bio breaks this is the only thing getting significant synaptic action potential allocation today.


I think with my Hockey skills I could take 9...maybe 10.


At 2:06 PM, Blogger Costa Rica Chica said...

And I wonder why Brocade stock is falling, falling, falling...

As for your "realistic assessment, I'd say you haven't seen a 12 y.o. kid in a while. They're bigger than you think. I'd give you six, maybe seven.

At 2:26 PM, Blogger Kid said...

The stock has been somewhat stable since your brother left. Still not much to talk about. Well I'm still trying to figure out what the hell Sue and Debbie were doing on the houseboat...crazy broads.

I factored in a 12 year old weighs about 110 - 115 lbs (see the article for particulars). I have a pretty good eye gouge move that could blind many of them before the groin & shin shots took their toll and the mob of pre teens toppled me. I didn't factor in that kids today are doing more performance enhancing drugs (like balco, meth, etc)...this could work against me. Thanks for the feedback...based on this i'm restating my number down to 8.

At 10:07 PM, Blogger Manoa Missy said...

Ahhhh, a procrastination girl after my own heart! Doing things later is always an option (don't know if it's a GOOG option, but I'm not judging...At least running is something healthy and productive...but I'm thinking that it's a LONG flight to Costa Rica and you may want to wear somehting that's not so smelly...
love ya

At 10:09 PM, Blogger Manoa Missy said...

No, "GOOG" is not some Hawaiian term, it's just me being a crappy typist. I meant "GOOD". Sheesh

At 10:15 AM, Blogger Kid said...

Ok...I drove past Ralston Middle school yesterday...lots of 11-13 year olds at "summer camp". Tough to sort out the 12 year olds but I I'm pretty sure I can take 9 of them out. Yeah 9.

At 10:21 AM, Blogger Kid said...

Magoo's safety tip of the day: stay away from the dairy products...

At 11:23 AM, Blogger Kid said...

No stick required...all I do is drop the gloves, put on my game face and start kicking some ass. Seriously though...I could take 9 easy.

Re: the 31 and 26 year olds...they are as Gay as the day is long. Not to mention that STDs run rampant south of the boarder...go Naked Gun and wear a body condom (that was going to be my safety tip of the day for tomorrow...thanks ferris).

At 11:30 AM, Blogger Kid said...

Ferris: any guy who's favorite things to do are "working out" and "biking" are certainly gay (not that there is anything wrong with that). Mutually exclusive the activities are fine however once the two interact it chemically changes the brain and gayness ensues. Brad Foss did a lot of empirical research on this topic at UC Davis back in 1996. While his thesis was never published as it was considered "homophobic" he was able to hone his "oral" skills during the data collection process.

At 10:51 PM, Blogger Swiss Miss said...

Magoo, I hear a hint of jealousy in your wrath! Maybe these "roommates" could take on 10 of your little friends! And all you got is 9, huh?

By the way, don't let Karin's innocent little blog fool you... I'm starting to think that "running" and "biking" may be her stealthy code-words for other physical activities ;)

At 9:33 AM, Blogger Costa Rica Chica said...

I don't know how I could have possibly garnered such the reputation amongst you people.
Ferris--Of course I am intrigued by the interests of my hosts. I also wonder what sort of books they like to read and how many shots of tequila it will take to drink them under the table. Both will be throughly researched and documented here. So look forward to that.

Magoo--I don't know where all this confidence in taking down 12 y.o. comes from. As I recall, when you were 15 and I was 12 (and a mere girl) I took you pretty regularly in chicken fights in a small pool down in Jamaica.

At 12:30 PM, Blogger Kid said...

Need I remind you what Kalana (your Jamacian name) means...yeah that's right...Pipe the f*&^ down. Also for the record...the Blucher boys went undefeated in pool chicken fights.


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