Friday, July 22, 2005

Movie you gotta see

As part of our preparation for the big adventure, Sara and I went to a brewery and then saw Wedding Crashers. We figured this was a better way to spend an afternoon than starting all that Espanol crap. Anyway, the point being Wedding Crashers is a must see for anyone who likes comedy in the Something About Mary vein of things, which is just about everyone I know.

On a similarly happy side of things, I seem to be pretty much (over)packed. I want to be prepared for all occasions, so of course I threw in my cute little camouflage/leopard print dress and a--crap I just realized I forgot my umbrella. Well, I'm hitting REI tomorrow anyway. We'll add that to the list. Oh, and iPods kick ass. Thanks to the Liddys for starting my library!


At 9:51 AM, Blogger sactownkid said...

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At 9:52 AM, Blogger sactownkid said...

I saw Wedding Crashers last Friday with Dave. Hilarious!! So not my type of movie, I thought Something About Mary was funny but a little overboard, and I HATED Meet the Parents. Why didn't little Ben Stiller's character run for the hills when he had the chance? Anyway, I was very pleasantly surprised by Wedding Crashers, to the point where I laughed my head off in hysterics through most of the movie. Guess it was because the guys got what they deserved..and who doesn't love the idea of 6'5" Vince Vaughn in plaid golfing pants? Plus I love that Rachel McAdams, in an admiringly jealous kind of way. So gorgeous, such a great smile, and she looks great as a blonde, redhead and a brunette!

At 9:55 AM, Blogger Kid said...

That you Pong? Rachel can Mc(my)Adam anytime. Total hottie.

Conchita: don't forget to pack that college sweater if you know what I mean. ;)

At 12:22 PM, Blogger sactownkid said...

Ping, what up! Yep, I'm the sactownkid. Gotta represent the homeland. Yeah, if I were to swing the other way, Rachel would be on the top of the list. She'd be the regular, the introduce her-to-your-friends and bring-home-to-mom girl. Have to save Angelina for the lunchtime quickies. Ha ha. :)

At 12:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! You're really going!!! I miss you already...

Let us know if you need more IPOD tunes. We've got loads of 'em.

At 2:15 PM, Blogger Costa Rica Chica said...

SacTown--I always suspected you were a bit of a swinger ... Ferris sees Angelina as an island kind of girl. Much to the chagrin of others in attendance (an early draft choice as I recall--I was too busy forgetting David Beckham and picking Bo Jackson--FOOL!)

At 2:47 PM, Blogger Kid said...

Pong: The top of the list for sure...I like your style.


Suebeedo: cute name. ;)

At 10:24 PM, Blogger Swiss Miss said...

Hey Chica... Beckham is all mine baby! I'll be sure to put in a good word for you at the World Cup! By the way, what happened to James Woods this year? ;)

At 9:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kiss-Me-Karin! Ha!

If your island is so great where's YOUR brochure?!?

At 10:14 PM, Blogger Kid said...

Will some one please publish this years "islands"...geeze

At 6:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


yah, you just want to steal our island picks for next year... we're on to you!

At 7:13 AM, Blogger Kid said...

Get the creative juices flowing yes...steal no. I caught wind of a few of OB1's island friends...are you kidding me? Horrible. I'd like to see the list so I can formally ridicule him for picking the "movie" Buffy. Everyone knows the "TV" buffy is the only one that belongs on the 5 friends f&^% island.


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