Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Soy pretzel?

So we have met some great people at our school, and are traveling with them this weekend. They are all in do-gooder professions--Bridge School Benefit, Habitat for Humanity, business guy learning Spanish so he can volunteer in South and Central America--but they're not "good" to the point we have nothing in common. They are just super friendly and fun. In fact, this weekend the group of us are going to MonteVerde Rainforest, an active Volcano and some natural hot springs. We're going to see the forest on Zip lines that will take us from platform to platform. This sounds incredibly fun, and we are all totally excited. The volcano is our first stop and is a 4 hour car ride, but I know that with this group of people, the time will fly, and we will arrive much too soon.

We went dancing meringue with some of the guys last night and it was incredibly fun. This one guy Larry is the worst Spanish speaker. He thought the dance teacher was saying llama (the animal) when they were asking his name. And then later Kelly told Sara, "Soy pretzel". (She was holding soy pretzels from Trader Joes) but Sara didn't notice and thought Kelly was speaking Spanish and saying she was a pretzel. (Kelly speaks Spanish outside of class more than the rest of us. See--do-gooder!)

Andres update (for you ladies out there) ... At dinner last night we were talking about different kinds of food and Ana and Andres were trying to ask (I later deduced) if I liked pig fat. I couldn't get it, so Andres pulled up his shirt to pinch the fat at his stomach, but there wasn't a single ounce. It was really enjoyable to see though. Good times ... its the little things people!

Tonight we are hitting happy hour at Big Ben from 4-6. Prior to that, I'm going to play some dominoes and do my homework. I've decided to play nice and teach people in a friendly way so I'll have someone to play with...The houseboat crew would be shocked and amazed.

Many thanks for those reading and posting. I really enjoy reading your comments!


At 3:05 PM, Blogger Kid said...

I take it you can buy Prozac and other mood altering pharmaceuticals over the counter in CR as it seems you are experiencing a heightened sense of FUN. You go girl!

Brandi dated a guy named Ben, Big Ben they called him, in high school. Hmmmmm.

At 8:26 PM, Blogger Manoa Missy said...

Que tal, Katrina? So many adventures already! I guess they've got turtle eggs to burn there--don't worry, I won't tell GreenPeace. I'm glad you're in a tropical locale--"hot" guys tend to shed clothing (I speak from experience) which does make for some lovely sight seeing...Keep the stories coming--you can embellish if you feel like it. And oh, and I miss you to pieces (you said you wanted to hear that often, right?

At 7:34 AM, Blogger Kid said...

Safety tip: have your Spanish teacher translate the warning label and dosage information on any CR OTC meds. Safety first Concita!

At 12:52 PM, Blogger Costa Rica Chica said...

Thanks for the tip Magoo--however, there are plenty of mind-altering drugs in the street. I'll let you know if I find a favorite.

E--I think its great that I am motivating Z to learn Spanish. Teachers can be so tricky when finding the buttons of students to push.
Ma--you are a N.U.T. But that's ok.
S--You should hear the bats down here. ER would go nuts.
MM--its not like I chose a place near the equator on accident. All planned out, you see!

At 7:52 PM, Blogger Swiss Miss said...

Wait, wait... back up... did you say you were going to play a nice game of dominoes?!? You're right, the HB crew is shocked and amazed, especially after the cut throat game of poker you were playing! ;)

At 8:54 PM, Blogger Big Poppa Slick said...

Whateva freak, u ever try that domino crap with tha real playaz, ull be lucky to leave with yo drawz on.


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