Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Pretty Fucking Feliz

We had quite. A. Time. Last. Night. Happy hour became several hours and many pitchers of cerveza, with lots of chatting with people at the school in other classes. Met quite a few Europeans, a guy from the Coast Guard working to become a linguist (we all are betting his oral skills are top notch), and several others. I was sad to leave relatively early as I had told Ana I would return for diner around 7. Boo hoo.

On the happy side of things, I returned to the house a little "buzzed" shall we say, and proceeded to have the best conversation with Ana. My Spanish was top notch! She said she feels like she has known me a long time, so we decided to share a hug and ... a cerveza! Then Andre joined us and we had a fantastic dinner (complete with another turtle egg) where we laughed continuously. They also have my name correct now as Ana saw my credit card. Adios Katrina. Andre leaves this afternoon for his 4-day bike ride, so it'll be more difficult to roll my ass out of bed tomorrow morning without the promise of a 6-pack first thing. Que Sera.

We found out today that our weekend plans are in flux a bit as to the rainforest we will be going to, but we are definitely on for going to the volcano on Friday morning. Hope all is well with you fine people!


At 1:34 PM, Blogger Costa Rica Chica said...

Suebeedo, beedo, where are you with your facts when ER is giving me crap on top of boats. I can't wait for the next installment of fun facts.

Do you love that title by the way? the Coast Guard guy said it last night, and we all thought it was great. It could have been his delivery, I'm not sure.

At 1:35 PM, Blogger Kid said...

A cunninglinguist i'm sure.

Request: ask your mexican friends what "chones" are. The girls and I refer to these as underwear. It sounds mexican but my mexican friends say it isn't and have no idea what I'm talking about. Since you are in southern Mexico please ask around. Thanks.


At 1:52 PM, Blogger Costa Rica Chica said...

Magoo--Soy al sur de Mexico y al norte de Panama.

Suebeedo--Feliz--the feeling I get when your husband has gone all in and I have pocket Aces.

Paint a picture?

At 2:06 PM, Blogger Kid said...

I think it's like a Dirty Sanchez

At 2:13 PM, Blogger Kid said...

CRC: Gracias por la lección del georgraphy. A mí todo sur del Arizona es México. Tomé a 3 años de español en High School secundaria y puedo hablar y escribir a español muy bien. Solamente la cosa que no sé es el origen de la palabra "Chones".

At 8:57 PM, Blogger Swiss Miss said...

I'm with Suebeedo... Katrina isn't going to die that easily! :)

Well, my fingers are crossed for your rainforest trip! Have a cervesa for me!


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