Thursday, July 28, 2005

Don't Cry for Me, I'm a Gringa ...

So at the end of every week, which was today because of the holiday tomorrow, they have a graduation ceremony for all those finishing up their studies. Most people give a speech in Spanish, and the level of their Spanish sounds great to me. At the end, a student got up with two of his friends and they had prepared a song to Don't Cry for Me Argentina (en ingles y espanol) about their experience in Ilisa and Costa Rica. They had great voices, it was really funny, and now we are trying to think of something clever to do in 2 weeks when it is our turn. Sara is more open to a little Eminem than SacTownKid was back in the A&R days. ... "Hola, me llamo ...Que?...Me llamo...." etc. Obviously still a lot of work to do...

We are heading out for a little adult entertainment this evening. Its not what you're thinking. Ok, it is. We are going to a nudie show! We have the good fortune to be in the same area (ok, we're driving 90 minutes) as a traveling troupe of male strippers that will be here for 2 days. It will be interesting to compare this to ... well not that I have any experience in these matters. Just what I heard about how the Blucher boys put themselves through school. We will follow up their show with one of our own. Co-stars being cervezas. Coming soon to video. But not that kind of video.

Some of you asked about a mailing address (ok, one person--but they're not related to me, so I figured it was on the minds of many), and here is your fun fact. There are not addresses in Costa Rica with street names and numbers. Instead, the city is broken into areas that have a church in the middle. You then tell the location of your house relative to the church. I live in Los Cedros, 1.3 km east of the church. So when I was getting dropped off, the driver had the general area, but not the exact house. So he just started honking and knocking on doors til someone knew where Ana lived. They also may give directions relative to landmarks like banks, McDonalds, or signs. This makes giving taxi drivers directions a little tricky.

This is it blog and email-wise for me til Monday. I can't wait to tell you all about our trips--wherever it is that we're going. Excellent! Adios amigos!


At 12:54 PM, Blogger Swiss Miss said...

I love the Eminem idea... from one trailer park girl to another; we need to spread our influence around the globe!

Hey, so how did dominoes go? And an even more important question... are you planning to teach the people or Cost Rica the fine game of charades also? Maybe you will find it to be more popular sport with the locals than in your native land.

Have a great time tonight Chica!

At 1:47 PM, Blogger Kid said...

I'm still dancing. I changed stage names in 2001...look me up under "Dirk".

Safety Tip: livestock is for eating not for &^%$ing

At 4:26 PM, Blogger Manoa Missy said...

Ah, male "dancers"...hopefully Costa Rica has lax rules about what kinds of touching is allowed--you think it's just the chicks who get to shout "Hands!" ala the movie "Go" and have the bouncers step in when the patrons get a little cheeky, but when i went out for a bachelorette party, the guy strippers were also off limits.

I know! makes you want to shake your fist and shout "Curses!"
Here's to you being able to caress many a six pack, Katrina.

And I miss you to pieces.


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