Monday, August 01, 2005

Can 4 = 3? In Costa Rica, yes it can...

We had quite a weekend. It started on Thursday at 6:00 when I had to run out of the house to hop in with the girls to drive like mad to the "Solo Para Mujeres" Espectaculo show. I thought it was going to be a relatively small club like setting. Oh, no. This was easily 5000 screaming women, with with two troupes of dancers. The opening act from Costa Rica (who Heidi and Sara saw practicing by chance at a local gym) and the pros from Mexico. It was funny because the one that all the women were super nuts for was bald, had a mustache and had an oddly gay aura about him. Everytime he would solo, the crowd just went insane. We didn't get it. The others were hot (in our opinion) and didn't seem nearly as gay. The show was really good though, and with every other song being in English, we really enjoyed it. It lasted about 3 hours, with a mix of comedians and rap artists, which we didn't get much out of. We kept waiting for them to take off their clothes. We were quite confused, then felt kind of lecherous. Oops!

After, we went to a bar where Sara, Heidi and I impressed the locals with our drinking and math skills (3 girls = 4 pitchers). Some VERY friendly hombres in that bar. It was fun because I'd be talking in broken Spanish, and they'd respond in broken English. It was fairly romantic, except for the tequila shot glasses and squeezed limes that littered the area. Ah, good times.

We returned at 3:30am, slept for about 3 hours, then caughtt he bus for the Arenal volcano/hot springs tour. Took about 4 hours (included a couple of stops) until we arrived at the hot springs. (Unfortunately the volcano was socked in with fog all weekend, so we never saw the eruption). The hot springs are basically a resort/hotel built around this incredible waterfall of pools. The water is hotter than a hot tub. It was incredibly beautiful, and is a must see if you come here. (I also got a facial at the spa and the woman "cleaned" my face so well I thought she was going to break my nose.) The buffet dinner was great and we were so pooped from the night before, we had to head to bed shortly after.

Saturday morning we went on a Zip line through the canopy. It was raining that morning, so we went up to about 45 mph down these lines. Unbelievable.

My dance class is starting now, so I'll finish up tomorrow with more. Very full days here!


At 5:08 PM, Blogger Kid said...

Quite spectacular indeed. Did they bring out the donkeys? Mexican's love donkeys. BTW: that's not gay...just wrong.

Remember: Livestock is for eating...say it with me. Yes for eating.

Now get back out there.

At 5:40 PM, Blogger sactownkid said...

Sounds fantastico! I could use a hot spring or a zip line about now.

At 6:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you really in an educational learning program? It sounds like resort ala Fossie, packed with everything you could possibly want and more. I think that was just the code name for living la vida loca. I'm curious to see how long you can go without sleep:-)

You are a great advertisement for Costa Rica! Keep them stories coming...

At 10:15 AM, Blogger Kid said...

Where is Suebeedo...I need my Sonar/Radar fun facts!!!!

At 11:00 AM, Blogger Costa Rica Chica said...

Costa Rica is actually quite far from Mexico. Thankfully this trip is dramatically different from my last expedition south of the border.

At 12:24 PM, Blogger Kid said...

Tell that to the bald, gay, Mexican stripper the Costa Rican Ladies were frothing over. eeeeehawwww eeeehawwwww eeeehaaawwww. lol.


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