Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Me Gusta Juevo Papas

So on Friday we stayed at Los Lagos, quite the swanky hotel at the top of a hill/mtn. that I foolishly climbed in the dark with Kelly so she wouldn't walk alone. Stupid good samaritan! Did see fireflies for the first time ever which was quite cool. So the weekend zip line...we got picked up at 7:30 and taken to the canopy which was about 10 minutes away. Once there, we got strapped into harnesses by a group of guides, and then hiked a good distance into the forest. I, alone with my friends were in the first group that was comprised of 10 people. The others were missionaries (of course--they find me everywhere) from Atlanta. Super nice people who needless to say were impressed with my ability to say Jeee-sus Key-ricet! (Hey it was better than the things one normally says when terrified.

Some instruction at the base of the tree was given. We were told not to touch the equipment and that our primary responsibility was to keep our legs bent and crossed and to brake. You use one hand if strong enough, or two in a modified pull-up if necessary (hear that Ready? already training!)

We climbed some astonishingly steep stairs to a platform that was built around the trunk of a tree. We were so high and the forest was so dense, we couldn't see the ground. Our harnesses were clipped to a ring around the tree. The guides then hooked us one by one to the cable (after the person ahead of you had arrived at the next platform) and off you went.

That morning it was raining, and with the rain, the distance and the downward slope of the cables, we were hitting speeds up to 45 mph. Braking initially was quite hard and exhausting because they did not give us any brake between the first 4 platforms. You'd finish one and they would instantly hook you to the next cable and off you'd go. I (along with others) had some problems braking initially, but quickly picked it up.

The whole thing was totally thrilling, and we just had so much fun with our guides and our group. At the end, which was about an hour, we hung out in the forest and waited for the others to finish. Got to know the people in our group and the guides (who incidentally offered to let me go for free another weekend. Or go splunking--cave crawling--which I've always wanted to do. Yeah! Love the hook up!)

We had a ride back to San Jose at 1:30, and the rest of the day was spent in transport and resting. This is a fun tidbit. On Thursday I ran out to see the naked men and missed dinner. Well, the chicken legs I was supposed to eat were still on the stove (cooked) when I returned. One guess what I had for dinner Saturday night. Yep...luckily no ill effects, so I'm pretty sure this refrigeration thing in the States is a passing fad. (I do relate to Rambo now though--"I can eat things that would make a billy goat puke"--plus I look good in headbands).

Sunday we were at the bus stop at 5:30 (de la manana) to catch the bus for the beach/crocodile river. We had a small bus with a total of 8 passengers--including a HOT guy from Uraguay (Nicolas) and two people from Intel. The guy from Intel was a total asshole and a Mormon. Of course he sat next to me. *sigh* He knew more about everything than anyone, because he was married to a Columbian. Do you follow this logic? Nope? Us either. He did tell Nicolas that beautiful women in the states are incredibly high maintenance and they require a lot of wining and dining. He suggested marrying someone not so good-looking, and save yourself some money. What a lucky woman he married, wouldn't you say?

Stopped for breakfast, and in attempting to order pineapple juice (jugo pina), I said the title of this blog--I like to play with potatoes. The waitress was quite confused.

The river we visited is the 3rd most highly populated area for crocodiles--50 per square km. We went on a 2 hour boat ride where we saw many birds, and several crocs. On two occasions, the driver got out and went into this mud that went up to the middle of his calves and slapped the water with a large piece of fish. The croc would come over and he would have it snap it out of his hand. Then he would touch the nose and kinda pet it. Needless to say, I was a wreck. And they insisted on us being still and quiet. Luckily, Nicolas was there to comfort me! Yeah!

On to the beach we went, where unfortunately it rained. The ocean was still great to swim in, and bar still had cold drinks, so all was not lost. It is quite difficult however to get a tan in the rain, no matter what Gary Blucher says. We left at 4, and made it back in record time to SJ.

That brings you to Sunday night, and me to lunch time. Today is happy hour, and if last week is any indication, we will have quite a time. Already scheduled a siesta into my equation of the day, so I's got's to roll. Adi! (that's short for adios--I made it up, and we all like it. I think the others think its really slang here. I should clarify that...)


At 12:21 PM, Blogger Kid said...

You used "cave crawling" and "hook up" in the same thought. What exactly are you trying to communicate here?

At 12:57 PM, Blogger Costa Rica Chica said...

I don't even get that...thankfully. You are disturbed. That's the thing I like best about you after the way you dress on the weekends.

At 2:05 PM, Blogger Kid said...

Thank you for your kind words. We are indeed on completely differnt levels you and I (mine much more elevated of course).

Keep focused on running from gay mexican strippers and crocs. This will serve you well young jedi.

At 2:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh dear...and I here I logged on to comment on something completely innocent - until I saw Magoo. I'll keep the clean comments to myself...have fun playing with your potatoes Chica

At 2:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh dear...and I here I logged on to comment on something completely innocent - until I saw Magoo. I'll keep the clean comments to myself...have fun playing with your potatoes Chica

At 2:52 PM, Blogger Kid said...

Happy Hour...I really like Happy hour.


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