Thursday, August 11, 2005

16 Can Get You 20

So I feel like I'm learning all kinds of math in CR--oh, and Spanish too. Coast Guard Bret is a wealth of information and has quite an amusing way of distributing it. I had heard in the past that I talk like a sailor on occasion, and I have to say that they are actually not as crude as I, and in his case, I think they are funnier. Por the airport when we arrived there are easily a dozen signs that warn you against having sex with minors, because Costa Rica takes that very seriously. (I thought this was more of a problem in Asia, given the stories I heard from BG.) Anyway, we didn't take this seriously at all, and all found it quite amusing when the singer, who looked to be about 16 went on the stage. At that point, Bret pointed out to the other guys at the table to remember, "In CR, 16 (y.o.) can get you 20 (y in jail)."

Had such a good time, and 3 Red Bull vodkas on Tuesday night, so made plans to extend my trip and hit Playa Hermosa with Bret over the weekend. Unfortunately, there was no chance because the next possible flight out of CR isn't until 8/24. Very disappointing, but on the happy side of things, I think I'm going to play in a vb tourney on Saturday. My skills should be especially sharp if there is a drinking division.

So Anna's other hijo is back from the states. Yet another good-looking guy. And totally different from Andre. Andre's skin could be Italian or something...very light, whereas Jorge is VERY dark. And he is taller, broader and doesn't look a thing like Andre. Never would think they are brothers. Cool guy. Happy to have met him.

The family dog is named Milo and (while great people) they obviously need to watch Animal Planet or take a class on dog training because they repeat the same thing to the dog, over, and over and over. "Milo, no, no, NO, NO. Milo, NO!" It is a very distinct and similar manner in which this is said, which I shared with my friends. The growly manner can be heard echoing down the halls of Ilisa. Happy to share funnies with friends.

Last night we celebrated Ayana's b-day and had a fantastic dinner--including a real salad and filet mignon. Screamingly delicious. And you know I mean screaming!

This morning, had breakfast with Andre, and we were talking about my last day and I got really sad. Looks like we'll be hanging out tonight and meeting up with some other people, but it made me realize that most of the people I met on this trip I'll probably never see again, and that just stinks. Pink, pink, Burnie...

My last entry is today due to the departure tomorrow. On my agenda for today--hitting the mercado and meeting up with school folk for a different shopping expedition at 3:30. Heading home to hang with the fam, and then the debate of what the last night should entail. I also need to come up with an amusing encapsulation of my stay in CR. I had been thinking about a Top Ten kind of list, but last night at dinner, Kelly voiced the same idea, so I'm back at square one. Maybe I'll write one for you fine people. Maybe not.

Looking forward to seeing you all. Thanks for letting me know if you read--I get a kick out of what you people think. Miss you all, and look forward to hearing what's going on!



At 3:35 PM, Blogger Swiss Miss said...

Have a safe journey home senorita! You have been missed around here, and I can't wait to see you.

By the way, please don't confuse Coast Guardsmen with your typical run of the mill sailor... they are much more refined. :)
(Growing up in a Coast Guard family I have put in a good word!)

See you soon Chica and welcome back to the states!

At 8:00 PM, Blogger Kid said...

Glad you are back. Can't wait to see if Costa Rican Men mark their women with hickeys as rich as Mexicans do state side.


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