Friday, August 05, 2005

Taxi Stopping Secrets

I'm now at the end of week 2, with only a week left. This makes me quite sad to only have 7 more days. I know the sympathy is low out there among you fine people because most vacations are only 7 days to start. I just can't believe how fast time has gone by and all the great things I've had the chance to see, do and learn. Enough pobresita...entonces...

Monday we had another dance class where we finish learning the meringue and started in on salsa. I realize that learning these dances may only lead to frustration on my part since the woman is not supposed to lead, and I seem to have a shortage of male aquaintances in the States that salsa with any frequency. Fortunately, such a shortage does not exist in Latin America...more on that later. :)

Tuesday was a holiday here (not for estudiantes like us though) in which people from all over the country walk to a church that is about 20km from my house. Its a yearly pilgrimage, and all day long we would see people of all ages walking on the main street. Teenagers making out, older folks, families, all types. As I was stopping to buy beer on my way home, I even saw some Latin Nazis. I assume they are Nazis because one had a swastika etched onto his back. (I was very thankful for my very dark, polarized sunglasses that covered my eyes completely. ) Very neat tradition (the walk, not the Nazis), and we couldn't think of anything similar in the states (maybe bay to breakers?) that you don't pay for, but that everyone does. The benefits of a religous society I suppose.

Wednesday was happy hour, and as I mentioned before, we all went home and rested and put on some ta-ta tops to impress the locals with. And impress we did. (Sara has shown me a whole new world of tops and the undergarments required to produce impressive results.) Went to dinner with about 15 people where we were repeatedly shushed by waiters, and then went to TerraU for some drinks. Our group split off there--I went with 4 others to a dancing place and then returned to TerraU. I amazed my new friends with the ability to stop cabs in an instant (short skirts seem to be the secret). I am pleased to report that I did my good deed for the day around 12:30 when I broke up a fight before it could start. While I was happy to do so, I was not happy with the resulting person that followed me around the bar (three floors) the rest of the night. I ended up hanging out with my "brother"--Phil--the only person taller than me at school, who I convinced my new fan was quite protective of me. Of course, Phil is Swiss, and has quite an accent. Apparently, if you don't speak English, its not that noticeable. So Phil saved the day. Really like that guy.

This weekend 7 of us are going on a rafting trip for both days. Class III and IV rapids. Should be quite the time. I am hoping it is not a Meatgrinder experience.

This experience has been similar my freshman year in college--everyone wants to meet new people, hang out, have fun (and learn spanish of course!). I realized that I never really thought about the impression people had of me was...everyone I know just seems to know me so well already. You forget about how new people see you. Ayana and Kelly say they are impressed with my ability to meet people, and how I can seem to talk to anyone in any situation. I never really thought that was anything super special, but they seem to think so. I don't know if that makes any sense, but it really struck me, and I just don't want to forget they said it.

Its pouring rain now, I don't have an umbrella or a jacket, so I'm going to see what my options are for not winning t-shirt contests. Wish me luck!


At 2:21 PM, Blogger Kid said...

Seems your blogging audience is becoming more and more reluctant to leave comments. I however welcome the opportunity!

Your gift of meeting people. This must be a recent developement as from what I recall from our childhood we spent most of our time creating conflict and fighting with others. Perhaps you gained valuable insight from these childhood experineces and have since parlayed into the gift your friends credit you with today. I'll take full credit for this development thank you very much!!!

Tee-shirt contest tip: Skin to Win!

Good luck.


At 3:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

She's always been nice to people...until she invites them to play games. It's her way of luring people in.."Look at me, I'm fun!" then WAM!! "ha ha ha - you suck!"

Keep having fun Chica - just don't ask anyone to play cards.

At 8:03 AM, Blogger Swiss Miss said...

Hey Chica, if you need a salsa partner, Gary did very well in our meringue/salsa lessons we took pre-wedding! I know it's hard to believe, but under that mild manner accountant exterior is a dance machine waiting to get out!

I can't wait to read of your rafting experiences... just remember our lessons from Aruba... keep the boat upright at all times, unless of course the guide is cute and you want to get in his boat! ;)

Have a fun weekend!

At 12:51 PM, Blogger Costa Rica Chica said...

Magoo--I actually tried to avoid conflict and make-up with the people you offended...remember the tensest volleyball game ever played at Lake Berryesa?

Sue-- Sound scary? (think like the complete sentence--does it sound scary to you? collequial forms take the properties from the longer, complete sentence.)

Kiss-Me--I know a thing or two about getting into the right boat. Don't you worry!

At 12:51 PM, Blogger Costa Rica Chica said...

Mingle--wait til you see the game that I taught them on Saturday night. It isn't appropraite for all eyes, but you girlies out there will hear it. I love to make an impression!

At 4:39 PM, Blogger Kid said...

CRC: I do remember that game but I can't recall her name? "Urine" or somthing. Hot Dog will know for sure..I'll get back to you.


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